Monday, July 18, 2011

Local Inspiration - Design For Good

Great morning inspiration. And it's local for once, which was even more inspiring. People using their design and creativity powers for good. So here's to you Mr. Hawkins. You rock:

On my way back from my usual trek to the kitchen every morning for a double fisted cup of coffee and a cup of water, I saw on the table a copy for the new RSVP Magazine. The cover caught my eye because it was so clean and...fresh. Yeah, fresh.

Anyway, I stopped and started flipping through it and came across The List, a list of about 10 young professionals they feature each issue, and of course I saw the word Graphic Designer. Hooked from then on.

Featured was Winfred Hawkins, a Junior Graphic Designer at my old stomping grounds Auburn University Montgomery. Point one scored.

He uses his art for the power of good. Outside of the Rosa Parks Musuem are 10 drawings that he did starting in high school. 2 more points to you.

Plays bass for the local Montgomery band Hellakoptka of Love. 3 more points.

And finally, he is a contributor to Helicity, a local non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating postive change in Montgomery. 10 points to Gryffindor.

Read the write up in RSVP magazine here.

Anyway, it's always nice to see something about how Graphic Designers are making their impact. Are you using your powers for good? I know I'm going to strive to. =)

Virginia is for Lovers...or Perverted Minds

So I've been a very poor blogger as of late! So I will redeem myself now.

I finally took a much needed/deserved vacation. I kept saying I was ready to vacay but I was over the beach. I love the look and the atmosphere of it, but I'm a look and go see-er type of vacationer.

So one of my "Things to Accomplish in the Year of 25" was to take a long road trip. I had been debating for a while to visit a friend in Virginia and her baby shower was coming up, so finally I said what the hell, why not? So off we went trekking the 10 hour journey to Virginia.

Note to self: Make sure you stop more than once between Georgia and Virginia. It's killer on your legs.

The next day, Katie had to work and the original plan was to spend the day in Richmond. But by little persuasion, we ended up going to Washington DC. SO COOL! I'd never been there and it was so neat seeing all these famous monuments in person. My only dissappointment was there was no water in the reflection pool. No MLK I have a dream speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial happening. But that was ok.

I wish we had more than one day so I could visit the Smithsonian Museums but nevertheless, still one of the greatest experiences ever!  << Vacation Pics Here! >>

And then I got a good laugh by giving Katie Go The Fuck To Sleep at her baby shower. LOL. Couldn't think of a more perfect gift. << Listen to Samuel L. Jackson reading the audio version! >>

I'm already thinking about when I can get away again. A girl needs her vacation to survive.