Thursday, June 16, 2011

Word Yo

I really need to own this mug. We're going to file this under the GD Bible. (Graphic Design Bible. You dirty minded people.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Typography in Movie Posters

So anybody who knows me, knows I have a deep obsession with movies. Like I LOVE them. Like the ultimate job for me would include being a designer for some movie and sitting in the theatre watching my name scroll on the credits under the list of graphic designers. Hell, I even have framed movie posters at home. So today's perfect inspiration is typography in movie posters. Enjoy!

1. 300

2. 2012

3. American Beauty

4. Big Fish

5. The Dark Knight

6. The Departed

7. Gangs of New York

8. Inception

9. Max Payne

10. Ocean's 11

11. Ocean's 12

12. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

13. Sex and the City

14. The Spirit

15. Taken

16. West Side Story

17. Zombieland


18. The Social Network



19. 27 Dresses


20. As Good As It Gets